My Drug Center

What's the Shelf Life of Januvia?

Monday 10 February 2020
2 minute(s) read

Januvia has a shelf life of three years, according to data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

To find the specific shelf life of your supply of Januvia, check the expiration date printed on the medication's packaging. [1] If you are looking for a Januvia coupon, you can purchase your medication through an online Canadian pharmacy

Is it safe to take Januvia past its expiration date?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration states that expired medication should never be taken.

If you think expiration dates are arbitrary and can be ignored, think again: The FDA goes on to say that drug expiration dates represent the date until which a drug is guaranteed to retain its strength, quality and purity.

After that date has passed, it may be weaker, less pure or of lower quality than it previously was.

For the person taking the drug, that means it may fail to produce adequate results. Or, if the drug has degraded or been contaminated, it may cause additional health problems. [2]

So, you should never take your Januvia dosage that's past its expiration date, even if it still looks the same as before. See our Januvia blog for more on the benefits, effectiveness, and history of Januvia.

a white pill bottle next to colored pills

How do I properly store Januvia?

To help your supply of Januvia remain safe, effective and pure for the duration of its shelf life, you can take a few simple steps to ensure it's properly stored.

Merck, the manufacturer of Januvia, specifies that Januvia should be stored between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Additional tips for storing Januvia include: 

  • Store medications in a dry area away from direct heat and light.
  • Do not store medications in a damp or humid place like your bathroom medicine cabinet.
  • Do not store medications in the refrigerator.
  • If you store your medication outside of its original packaging (i.e. a pill organizer), label it with its dose, frequency, name and expiration date.
  • If you store your medication in its original packaging, keep it tightly capped.

The Centers for Disease Control also specifies that you should never use medication — expired or not — if it's:

  • A different color, texture or smell than it previously was
  • Softer or harder than it normally is
  • Chipped or cracked
  • Sticking together [3]

If you have any further questions about how to properly store your supply of Januvia 100 mg, consult your pharmacist for more information.

DISCLAIMER: The information in the article is not meant to be used for treatment or diagnosis. It is designed for general awareness and for information purposes only. Always consult a medical professional for your specific healthcare needs.