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FML eye drops are made up of a corticosteroid called fluorometholone. We carry both the brand choice and generic choice of this medication in 0.10% bottles.

FML eye drops are used to treat certain types of eye conditions caused by inflammation or injury. Some of these conditions include an ulcer or abrasion of the cornea of the eye, allergic conjunctivitis, and inflammation of the iris, ciliary body, or uvea of the eye. It can also be used for the treatment of inflammation of the outer ear (due to allergy) and the internal ear resembling either eczema or seborrhea.

Fluorometholone is effective in treating irritation of the eye due to its ability to inhibit the inflammation.

If you wear contacts, ensure you take them out before using the eye drops and wait at least 10 minutes before putting them back in after applying the eye drops.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Shake the bottle before use.
  • Remove the cap and hold the bottle between your thumb and either your index or forefinger.
  • Form a pouch between your lower eyelid and eye by gently pulling down on the lower eye lid.
  • Tilt your head back and look up; apply one drop.
  • Close your eyes; do not blink or rub them.
  • Pinch the bridge of your nose corner of your eyes to keep the medicine from draining into the tear duct.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly again.


Tell your doctor about all drug allergies including an allergy against fluorometholone and its in-active ingredients.

To ensure this product is the right medication for you, tell your doctor about your medical history consisting of glaucoma, cataracts, severe nearsightedness, diabetes, recent eye surgery or any eye infections.

You may find yourself with temporary vision loss following the application of FML eye drops; this is normal and should not alarm you; do not drive or do other activities that require your full attention until you understand how this drug affects you.

FML eye drops should only be used during the course of pregnancy if the benefits outweigh the risks and the medication is clearly needed. Speak with your doctor about FML eye drops and pregnancy.

It has not yet been established if this product passes through breast milk; avoid breast feeding while using this product unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

If you are using other eye drop products, ensure you wait 10 minutes in between products.

Side Effects

Common side effects of FML Eye Drops (fluorometholone) may include:

mild stinging or burning in your eyes; feeling like something is in your eye; or red or puffy eyelids;

The above side effects should not alarm you.

Serious side effects of FML Eye Drops (fluorometholone) may include:

pain behind your eyes, sudden vision changes; slow healing after your eye surgery; or eye pain, tunnel vision, or seeing halos around lights;

If you have any of the above side effects, contact your doctor right away.

Signs to watch for:

new eye infection - swelling, draining, or crusting of your eyes.


Are FML eye drops safe for kids?

You may use FML eye drops in children who are 2 years old and up. The safety and effectiveness has not yet been established in those younger than 2 years old.

What is the average dose for an adult?

The average dose is two eye drops in the affected eye or eyes, 2 – 4 times a day.

What should I avoid while using FML eye drops?

Avoid sharing this product with others; this includes others who have the same condition as you.

How should I store this product?

Keep these eye drops in a cool (under 25C) place protected from heat, moisture and children. Ensure the eye drops are sitting upright and not on their side.

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