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What is Travatan prescribed for?

Travatan eye drops are used to treat increased pressure in the eye (Ocular Hypertension) that may becaused by open-angle glaucoma or other hypertension of the eye. Whether there is an increase in fluid production or a decrease in the drainage activity, pressure can build and press against your optic nerve and cause permanent damage to your sight.

You can buy Travatan (Travoprost) at My Drug Center. We have the Travatan generic alternative called Travoprost available for purchase as well.


How does Travatan work?

Travatan eye drops are a prostaglandin analog, which resembles the naturally produced prostaglandins in your body. As the drops are administered, the Travoprost dosage in the solution works to reduce pressure in the eye by increasing the drainage of the fluid that’s in the eye. This will result in less pressure in the eye.

Before taking your prescribed Travatan dosage, read all the instructions that was provided by your pharmacist. Use the medication in the effected eye(s) once a day as directed by your doctor.

Maintain your hygiene when using Travatan. Wash your hands before using the eye drops to avoid contaminating the medication. Do not left the eye dropper touch your eye or any surface.

There are preservatives in the medication that can damage contact lenses. If you are wearing contacts, allow at least 15 minutes after taking the medication before using your contacts.

If other eye medication is being used allow 5 minutes between medication use to ensure that the Travoprost dosage is absorbed into your system. 

The Travatan eye drops should taken on a regular basis to have optimal results. Do not change or increase your dose. You should continue taking this medication even if you feel well. 


Travatan or the Travoprost generic may contain medical and non medical ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction. Consult with your doctor about any known allergies, or medical conditions relating to eye problems, edema, iritis, and uveitis before taking these eye drops. Tell your doctor about any current medications or supplementation to avoid interactions with Travatan or the Travoprost generic.

This medication may cause blurred or altered vision. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know it is safe to do so.

Side Effects

Some Travatan side effects include:

Burning/stinging/irritation/ redness/discomfort of the eye, feeling as if something is in your eye, dry eyes, watering eyes, temporary unstable vision, dizziness.

More serious Travantan side effects are:

Vision changes, pain, redness, itching, or swelling in or around the eye, swelling or redness of the eyelids, oozing or discharge from your eye, increased sensitivity to light, and vision changes.

If any side effects of Travoprost become unmanageable speak with your doctor or pharmacist for help in managing the side effects. For any serious side effects speak with your doctor right away for further treatment options.


Q: What happens if I suddenly stop taking this medication?

A: There may be a relapse in symptoms as well as side effects. You should speak your doctor before you stop taking this medication.


Q: What is the best dosage to take?

A: The diagnosis with your doctor will be able to determine the best Travatan or Travoprost generic dosage for your treatment. 


Q: What happens if I miss a dose?

A: You should take the missed Travatan dosage as soon you realize you have forgotten. If the forgotten dose is closer to your next scheduled dose, take the next schedule dose to avoid overlapping in dose.


Q: What is the best way to store this medication?

A: This medication is stored at room temperature, and should be kept away from children and pets. Do not throw away this medication in wastewater. If you are uncertain how to dispose of this medication speak with your pharmacist for help in safely disposing of this medication.


Q: Is this medication safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding?

A: Speak with your doctor about the risk associated with using this drug while pregnant. It is uncertain if this drug can pass into the breast milk of nursing mother. Consult your doctor to understand the risk in using this medication while breastfeeding.

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